No time to chat!


Ack!   Too much to do and not enough time to do it in!   Tons of things, most relating to writing but surprisingly and frustratingly, none of them actually being actual writing as such.

But here’s your traditional random quote:

“His approach to expression — his love of vivid colors, bold contrasts, extremes of emotion — was at odds with contemporary tastes, at a time when progressive composers, conductors, and performers were increasingly casting off the perceived excesses of Romanticism.  ‘Lightness and spontaneity were conspicuously lacking in his playing,’ wrote one critic, but Nyiregyhazi  did not aspire to them; he sought Wagnerian heaviness, deliberation, mass.  He loved think, noisy sonorities in the low register, sounds that seemed to well up from some great, deep source, and what critics heard as overpedalling was his effort to blur edges for the sake of weight and expression.”  — Lost Genius, the Curious and Tragic Story of an Extraordinary Musical Prodigy, by Kevin Bazzana, Carroll & Graf Publishers, New York, 2007


A peculiar story.

A peculiar story.


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