Way too much fun.



I’m supposed to be getting ready to go to work, but I finally checked this out and was trapped in a creative fervor!!

The Pulp-O-Mizer!


I could do this all day.  But now I have to wash my face.  And get dressed. And put on MAKEUP.

I could do this all day. But now I have to wash my face. And get dressed. And put on MAKEUP.


Now I want to make one for EVERY ASPECT OF MY LIFE!


Outta time.


Must go now.


 Go make yer own.



5 Responses to “Way too much fun.”

  • David Says:

    _The Radio Planet_ was one of the books that got me hooked on SF, lo these 40 years ago. Classic pulp by Ralph Milne Farley. To escape from Venus back to his home on Earth, Our Hero must build a radio… from scratch! Starting with sand!

  • Sabine Says:

    I love it. At first I was stunned that someone would come up with a parody that so perfectly fit your life at the moment! Then I realized… Very funny.

  • Ellie Sommer Says:

    Amazing! Haven’t tried it yet, but it will be a reward for writing 5 more pages of my thesis. Thanks!

    • Rosemary Says:

      Ellie –

      Have you considered using it to design a lovely cover page for your thesis?

      I’m sure something that’s (um, let’s go with) appropriate can be generated. Just sayin’.
