There actually are people around, but I’m basically ignoring them.


They’re outside of the frame.

See? There are some, right there.

Helpful instructions.

Not the same kind.

Tiny red ants bite very, very hard.

Usually they run away, but…



3 Responses to “There actually are people around, but I’m basically ignoring them.”

  • Sean Eric Fagan Says:

    Okay, that certainly narrows down where you are, doesn’t it? 🙂

    Was the wattle guy a basilisk? (Also, was he trying to terrify you, or impress the girl? :))

  • Brian Says:

    Two billion years of evolution and all they can up with is a bluff. That’s pathetic. No wonder small lizards are not the dominant species on the planet.

  • Sabine Says:

    Some of the things some people do to impress a potential mate is also pathetic. 😉