Two Questions. And a contest. Which also consists of two questions.


The questions:

1.  Do you love Welcome to Night Vale?

2. Can you be in New York City on Wednesday, June 4th, at 7 PM?

Remember how my surgery had to be rescheduled?  Now it’s taking place next week.

Yeah.  I had plans for that week.

My new plans for that week are: Get sliced up by a surgeon Monday, and then spend the rest of the week recovering from it.

My old plans were : Go to New York City with my sister Sabine and attend a live performance Welcome to Night Vale at Town Hall on Wednesday, and then spend the rest of the week gloating about it.

I think you can see that these two plans are mutually exclusive.

What to do? I’m going to have to go with the get-sliced-up scenario.

Meaning… I now have one, exactly one ticket to Night Vale that I can’t use.

Do you want it?

Let’s have a contest!

Here are the rules:   I’ll ask you two trivia questions: one from my books (proving you’re a fan of my work), and one from Night Vale (proving you’re a fan of theirs).   You’ll post your answers in the comment section of this blog (NOT on Facebook! Answers posted on Facebook are ineligible, to simplify counting).

The winner will be selected randomly from all the correct entries.  (Maybe there will only be one correct answer!  Maybe there will be a bunch.  If so, we’ll put the names of those who answered correctly into an appropriate receptacle and draw blindly.)

If you only know the answer to one of the questions, and still want to play, go ahead and post an entry anyway.  Just guess at the answer you don’t know — because it’s possible that no one will get both right, in which case we’ll draw from the people who got only one right.

Deadline for this is 9PM Eastern time on Sunday.    (Why not midnight?  Because I have surgery the next day!  I plan to turn in at a reasonable time.)


  • You have to get yourself to New York that evening.  If you can’t do that, please don’t enter.
  • Because this is last-minute, it’s too late to mail you the ticket.  You’ll have to meet Sabine in New York so she can give it to you. (We’ll work out the details by email later.)
  • You won a ticket! Not a date with my sister.  You and she have no further obligations to each other.
  • It’s only one ticket!  Do NOT try to talk Sabine into selling you her ticket for your pal or significant other.  She’s been looking forward to this.

Ready for the questions?  Here they are:

1.  What is the relationship between Ona and Sherrie?

2. What is the relationship between Cecil and Steve Carlsberg?


That’s it.   Ready, set… go.


UPDATE:  No winners!  In fact, no contestants at all…

4 Responses to “Two Questions. And a contest. Which also consists of two questions.”

  • Sandie Says:

    New York is a little far for me.

    Hope the surgery goes well.

    Love and Hugs.

  • bnanno Says:

    Knew the answer to the first question straightaway, but live across the ocean!
    All the best for the surgery, safe and speedy recovery.

  • pointoforigin Says:

    Don’t know about Night Vale, live too far from New York–but not too far for my thoughts to be with you today and tomorrow. Hopefully this will be just a mini-slice and soon mended.

  • Rosemary Says:

    Thanks for the encouragement! Getting down to the wire, here…