Let’s make your holiday shopping easier, shall we?


Well, I would be remiss and actually unkind if I did not offer a few suggestions…

Like, the Steerwoman Series:

From Amazon…

From iBooks…

From Barnes & Noble…

 From Kobo…

From Smashwords — they have every format imaginable.

But it’s not just about me, folks.   So, in the days to come, I’ll be posting about authors who, in my opinon, deserve some of your hard-earned holiday disposable income.

I probably won’t do full-on in-depth reviews, because…  well, day-job, book(s) I’m currently working on, Christmas run-up duties of my own, slew of medical tests all wanting to take place in December.  But I’ll have something to say about each of the authors, for certain.

If you want to make some suggestions of your own in the comments, feel free!  (But ANYTHING RACIST,  SEXIST, SLEAZOID, OR SPAMMY WILL BE DELETED! You have been warned.)





3 Responses to “Let’s make your holiday shopping easier, shall we?”

  • bnanno Says:

    First, strongly SECOND your suggestion!

    Any Diana Wynne Jones for your children/YA or for yourself. For instance, just re-read the Dalemark Quartet, & amazed when I realised what a strong “contribution” it had to made to one of the current hot sellers, The Name of the Wind.

    A fairly new writer that impressed me this year, Helen Grant. Two standalone books: The Vanishing of Katherine Linden and The Glass Demon. Officially YA but adult too.

  • Charlie Russel Says:

    Great idea. And my personal suggestion for anyone who likes your books would be the Liaden(r) Universe books from Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. There are several entry points, but Agent of Change is a good place to start AND it’s free on Amazon or from the Baen Free Library.

  • Amanda Says:

    The Heir of Night and The Gathering of the Lost by Helen Lowe. Excellent books by a young New Zealander. I am so looking forward to the next book from her!