I managed to get out to the woods today…
In choosing which path to take when I came to a crossing, I just headed for the mountain laurels.
I heard a woodpecker, too; possibly the same Pileated Woodpecker that I spotted here last week.
Also spotted this:
I also saw this fallen tree:
It’s a fallen tree. With a hole in it. Why, I don’t know. The hole is about eight inches by four, and goes straight through the tree.
It was a good walk of about an hour. Followed by another walk later, from my office to the post office, because hey! I work in a town, and the post office is walking distance. About twenty minutes to and another twenty back. Can’t say I didn’t get my exercise! I’m well over 10,ooo steps, many of them directly uphill!
I also sent out the final Con or Bust paperbacks to the winning bidders. Both in Texas, by coincidence. Took care of a bunch of business -type chores, and cleared the decks for hitting the keyboard hard tomorrow and Saturday.
Sunday, it’s the Genrettes meeting, and I’m all a-twitter about what they’re going to say about that chunk of my prose that they’ve been reading…
June 18th, 2016 at 11:38 pm
It might have been a birdhouse. People do that with dead trees sometimes — cut a hole with a chainsaw, fix up a door, and leave it for the birds to find.
June 29th, 2016 at 3:55 pm
That’s an interesting idea! This particular tree was now lying on the ground, but it’s possible it was dead but upright when the hole was cut. I didn’t look to see if the tree was on the ground because it had fallen of itself, or if it was cut down on purpose.