Oh, thank goodness that’s over
Well, not entirely over, of course. Not until Inauguration Day.
And there’s bound to be a certain amount of whining, posturing, and two-fisted Twittering on the part of the Toddler-in-Chief, in the meantime. But it’s all just noise, folks.
Somewhat more worrisome are the possible actions of some of the swamp-creatures dredged up at his instigation. By which I mean QAnon and the Proud Boys, and that sort. But without him egging them on for the sake of increasing his own brand-recognition and TV ratings — well, I do believe they’ll fade back into the background, in due time.
Meanwhile, here’s a nice little combination of retro nerdiness and sheer virtuosity. I’ve been whistling this all day.
I’m ‘a make it my new theme song, I think.
December 22nd, 2020 at 3:01 pm
Hope you had clear skies and got outside to see the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction. Pretty remarkable.
December 22nd, 2020 at 3:14 pm
Alas, I have not! Rain, snow, clouds, more rain! So frustrating.