Hey, wanna hear me sing?
Over at the Smithsonian Folkways website, you can purchase my song “Baffin Bay” off of the Fast Folk Musical Magazine, Vol 3, No.1. It’s $1.49 — a bit steep for one song, I admit.  But you can make your money go farther by buying the entire album, which includes other excellent performers (such as the remarkable Judith Zwieman doing “Heart on Ice”).
Oh, and Smithsonian also allows you to download the liner notes — which in the case of Fast Folk is actually an entire little magazine from the olden days before e-publishing. And you can download that without buying the mp3. It includes the lyrics to “Baffin Bay.” Just sayin’.
Or you can get “Baffin Bay” from Amazon.com, where it only costs $0.99.  (And where, inexplicably, it is attributed solely to Judith Zwieman. Why, I don’t know… If you held the LP in your hand, you’d see that it says “Rosemary Kirstein”; Judith is singing backup and, if memory serves, playing bass. It might have something to do with the fact that there are so many people on the album (all the “various artists”) that Amazon didn’t bother to see who wrote what, but just grabbed the first name they could spot for each track. Some of the other tracks are also mislabeled.)
And then there’s this:
The Loyal General (FREE DOWNLOAD) Lyrics by Laurie J. Marks, tweaked and set to music by me, and sung by me.
Laurie’s the author of the Elemental Logics series, and for the third volume, Water Logic, an early draft included a poem.  This was to be the song that people in her imagined society would sing in later days about some of the events in the book.
Laurie ended up not using the poem, but I liked it so much that I wanted to be the one to set it to music.   Here’s what Laurie says about it.
That’s all so far….