Holding off buying Chad Orzel’s “How to Teach Physics to Your Dog” in case someone buys it for me for Christmas


Because, I wouldn’t want to end up with two copies…

No, wait… would I?

2 Responses to “Holding off buying Chad Orzel’s “How to Teach Physics to Your Dog” in case someone buys it for me for Christmas”

  • Nonesuch Says:

    You don’t HAVE a dog. You have a cat. The first thing a dog will sense if you try to teach it physics is that you’re a cat person. Anyway, you better hope you get it for Christmas, because I don’t think they’ll even sell it to a cat person.

  • Rosemary Says:

    True, no dog have I. Also true, they won’t sell it to a cat person — this being because the cats have forbidden it.

    Cats get physics. Cats especially get quantum physics. But they do not want the humans to understand it, as the cats would then lose their advantage.

    Fortunately, Professor Orzel and Emmy the Dog are here to help us subvert the rule of our feline overlords by cleverly slanting the book toward dog owners. If I buy it on the Internet, no one will know I’m a cat person…