Boskone, yes!


Yep, I’ll be going to Boskone.   It’s one of the two east coast conventions that I rarely miss (the other being Readercon).

Here’s my schedule:

Saturday3pm        The Heroine’s Journey
Lois McMaster Bujold
Greer Gilman
Rosemary Kirstein        (M)
Margaret Ronald
Jo Walton
Is it different from that of the hero? If so, in what ways?

Yes,  I’m the moderator of that one — always an adventure.

Saturday5pm        Autographing

Sunday  12noon     When The Magic Goes Away
David Anthony Durham
Rosemary Kirstein
Tom Shippey        (M)
Jo Walton
Jane Yolen
There is magic and mystery and great beauty. And then the Old Magic
slips away from the forests, the gates to Faerie close, and the last
ships sail to the west. There is a bittersweet memory, perhaps, of
what it was to be more than merely mortal. Explore this theme, and
why it is so potent.

Sunday  1pm        Long Series: What Gives Them Staying Powers?
Jeffrey A. Carver
John R. Douglas        (M)
Alexander Jablokov
Rosemary Kirstein
Alastair Reynolds

Is it just the comfort of returning to a familiar place….or something more? Expound.

I’m  pleased that I’m sharing the panels with this particular collection of writers.   It should be really interesting.

Downside: I won’t be staying at the actual hotel this time, but commuting from the hither side of yon.   So I won’t have my guitar.   Or a place to take a nap, should the pressure of fame overcome me.

(edit: the convention is in Boston, February 12, 13 & 14.)

Hey, come to Boskone!   Here’s the info.

5 Responses to “Boskone, yes!”

  • Wilson Says:

    Those panels have the make-up to be fabulous conversations. Enjoy!

    • Rosemary Says:

      Plus, I have time off from the Day Job before the convention, which means that I can actually organize my thoughts about the subjects before walking on stage. This is good.

  • Linnea Rowlatt Says:


    You and Jane Yolen and Lois McMaster Bujold on the same panel?

    I really must find out where Boskone will take place.

  • Linnea Rowlatt Says:

    Ahhh, Boston. And I’m in Toronto, and it seems it would cost around $ 800 to fly return.

    Rats! I really wish I could be there. Sounds like a great event.

    • Rosemary Says:

      I can’t believe I forgot to actually say that Boskone is in Boston! I just edited the post up front to add that info.

      I once went to a World SF Convention in Toronto — but I had lots of free time, so my sister and I drove up.

      Boskone is usually a good time. But I usually stay at the hotel, and this time I won’t. That might change the whole experience. We’ll see.