nine shopping days left
I have risen up from my cold/flu thingie long enough to remember that:
a) there are nine shopping days left before the most popular gift-giving holiday
b) sometimes people give books as gifts
c) I actually write books!
You’re here because you like my books; and you like your friends; so why not put them together?
Also: In general, the more of my books that get sold, the better I look to my publisher, and the more likely they are to buy & publish the next book in the series.
It’s win-win all around!
Plus: Several people have told me about the Amazon Associates Program, and yes I have signed up. (This means that if you click to Amazon from any link on my page and buy anything, not just my books but anything at all, Amazon pays me a small advertising fee. Which adds up, if enough people do it. Hint. Hello, trying to make a living, here!)
Frequently asked question: Hey, why does The Steerswoman’s Road cost twice as much as the other books? What’s up with that?
A: It’s two books in one. It’s twice as big. It’s The Steerswoman and The Outskirter’s Secret in one volume.
Q: Yeah, but I remember that it used to be the same price as the others!
A: True. When Del Rey first released this combined volume, they priced it the same as The Lost Steersman and The Language of Power
, and got it into stores just before those two books hit the stands. Thus to tempt readers, and get them hooked on the whole series. Alas, that time has passed. But when they increased the price, they did something else too: It’s a better edition. Seriously: better paper, larger size, nicer all around. I went and bought a copy myself, just to check, and it really is better.
Seriously, take a look:

old edition left, new edition right

Here's where you can see the diff

new edition has brighter paper, too
So, there’s my obligatory mercenary post…
But I’d like to remind you, too, of the books not by me that have been mentioned here — these are all fine authors, so why not share them with your friends?
Authors like:
Catherynne M. Valente
Chad Orzel
Laurie J. Marks
Ann Tonsor Zeddies
Geary Gravel
Delia Sherman
Ellen Kushner
Ack! I’m out of time — I’m doing this over lunch at work (yes, I dragged myself to work).
December 13th, 2010 at 5:40 pm
Ack! Why is The Lost Steersman not in print! Damn!
December 13th, 2010 at 8:20 pm
Alas, this is sadly true…
I do have a limited number of copies that I’d be willing to sell.
Say, $20, which would include priority mail postage.
I’ll make a separate post saying that, and how to contact me.