You know how you get back from an SF convention, and you feel kind of blue?
Because it was so great, and now you’re not there any more?
Yeah, I got that after Readercon.

Random person at Readercon doing what the convention is all about.
— except that it was delayed by my usual post-con hangout with Ann Zeddies and Geary Gravel. During which, by the way, we did not do our usual arts&crafts with collages and/or collaged book-boxes, because we were reading to each other!
Yes! New stuff, from all three of us. This is an unusual circumstance. Generally, it has been observed that only one of us at a time seems to be productive, and we swap it around between the three of us. But not this year! Each of us had new stuff to read to the other two. And then — we did it again! Two sessions of readings. So happy.
And then when I got home: postcon blues.
But! No time for that, because the Schrodinger sessions were just around the corner! And what a blast that was. Kind of like a convention only better because of real, actual science!  I was in heaven.

Taking place here.
And… then, back home, and the day job…Â squeezing in the writing at night and on weekends…
So, that would create sort of a double-dose of post-con blues?
But no time for the blues, because next, very soon: Worldcon! I haven’t been to a Worldcon in years and years.  It’s gonna be great.
Yeah. And after that… triple post-con blues?
Like, this comic by Abby Howard.
Ah, hell. It’s worth it.
Plus: extra motivation to shed this day job.  ‘Cause, then I’d never have to go back to it! I like that idea.
Let’s think long and hard about that, shall we?