More rendezvous weather.
After last week’s one-day blizzard, we went right back to temperatures in the 40’s and 50’s all week (that’s Farenheit; for the rest of the world, 5 to 10 Celsius). That’s sweater weather! (Or if you’re a Brit, jumper weather! And if you’re German, Pulli-Wetter!) Everything melted. It was lovely.
And then today, this:

That’s about eight inches.
I was itching to get to the office, having missed the previous day due to some needed chores.  I’d just about given up when the sun came out, and the snow left on the roads melted, so I just popped right over. Everything was clean and pretty and shiny.

Local branch of the Mighty Quinnipiac.
And now, past midnight, they’re telling me that the snow that melted on the roads is going to freeze, and it’ll be black ice as I go home. Well. There’s an advantage to being exactly two miles from home.
This weekend: More time at the writing office! I like weekends here especially, because the building’s other tenants mostly stay home, or don’t stay long. It’s quiet. Plus, I can be noisy, if I like.
Also looking forward to hearing some live music from the Mendelssohn Choir, of which a pal of mine is a member. They had to postpone their previous performance due last week’s blizzard. I’m hoping the ice and snow issues resolve before I have to drive down to Fairfield in the evening.
Thanks to all for the map info and suggestions; some good ideas, and I’ll be mulling them over.
Meanwhile — Ack! 1AM. I’d better head home.