Now also available on Amazon!
The paperback version of The Steerswoman is now available on Amazon.Â
It’s been available at CreateSpace’s own online store for a week or so — but Amazon’s always been my best sales channel, so I’m hoping for a decent number of sales.
Some people still aren’t into ebooks, generally, bless ’em. And why should they be denied access to Rowan’s world? I do have plans to do the rest of the series as trade paperbacks, as well, and I’m currently aiming at December, as I have Many Things needing my attention at the moment.
I’m really pleased with the look and feel of the book.  This is fun.
In other news: back from the mighty eclipse trip, which involved two days driving there, two days driving back; two nights in motels; two nights visiting pals; four nights in Smoky Mountain National Park; days and days of driving to identify good eclipse-watching spots; and one day of sheer luck in hitting an unexpected excellent viewing spot. More on that soon.

Shadow of a tree during the eclipse, where each gap between the leaves acts as a little pinhole projector. Click to embiggen!