Readercon looms
Yes, I’ll be at Readercon this year.
This despite the fact that many of the pals I usually look forward to hanging out with will be absent, due to the great Readercon disinvitation sweep. (See Jeff Carver’s post about it, which is pretty representative of the experience of most of the disinvited.)
Given all that, why am I going? Well. I think it’s because I want to find out if the infamous letter really was misinterpreted, as is claimed by Readercon, or if it actually represents a real shift in Readercon’s attitude. And one way to find that out is to see what sort of convention results. I shall decide about future participation based on that.
Anyway, here’s my schedule:
Friday, 6PM Kaffeeklatsch. Sign up to hang out with me over coffee and discuss whatever comes up!
Friday, 7:30 Reading. Yes! I shall be reading from The Changes of the Dark AKA Book 5.
Friday, 9PM Radical Elders, with Barbara Krasnoff (moderator), Sabrina Vourvoulias, Elizabeth Hand and James Patrick Kelly. Â Â Here’s the verbatim description from the official schedule: “On the page, as in GOH Nisi Shawl’s Everfair, and in real life, as in the careers of authors such as Ursula K. Le Guin, elders are speaking their minds and upsetting the status quo. How can age intersect with radicalism and pioneering thought? How is the cognitive estrangement of aging relevant to speculative fiction and fannish communities, and what’s the best way of acknowledging that relevance? ”
Yeah, the thing that made me want to sign up for that was the sentence: How is the cognitive estrangement of aging relevant to speculative fiction and fannish communities, and what’s the best way of acknowledging that relevance?
I cannot adequately express (she said in that quiet and overly-calm voice she uses when she is struggling to be polite while actually seething in fury) how much I dislike that sentence.
The cognitive estrangement of aging?
The cognitive estrangement of aging ?
Which cognitive estrangement is that, now?  The one of  aging?
That cognitive estrangement?  Oh, yes, everybody gets that ol’ cognitive estrangement, we’d better address that one. We should definitely endeavor to adequately acknowledge its social relevance to the community and some stuff.
Really, it sounds like exactly the sort of sentence you’d use when trying to bullshit your thesis advisor. Â Â A phony, faked-up concept, insultingly applied — and obviously designed as a sop for any people who think that Readercon just might not be sensitive to, and inclusive of, the issues of elders.
Yeah. I’m gonna be on that panel.
And also:
Saturday 1PM: Autographing.
That’s it — but I am looking forward to attending panels as well. Here’s the full program listing.
In other news… Lost many hours and significant portions of several days dealing with my computer finally breaking down. New computer successfully purchased and updated with the wisely-backed-up files, at the cost of much annoyance and angst.
It’s a laptop, and rather larger than I would have liked. But, unlike other items you might purchase in your life (house, car, boat, furniture, plot of land) the smaller ones are much more expensive.

The smallest I could afford.