Hope you had a lovely Carl Sagan Day
November 9th being the birthday of Carl Sagan, and an unofficial holiday to lovers of science.
We had cake!
I had wanted to make a cake.  Actually, I have a brilliant idea for a Carl Sagan Day cake, which would be delicious, symbolic, and scientifically accurate — but it would require experimentation (as all good science does), and I just haven’t had the TIME!
So, at the last minute (“Aw, geez, it’s Carl Sagan Day already? We need cake!”) I nabbed a generic cake at the local Stop & Shop.
I wanted something blue.  I also wanted stars, but had to settle for blue.
Not many cakes are blue, except for those that resemble the Cookie Monster.
So I settled for the presence of blue in some form, which in this case took the form of roses.
But stars!  I must have stars!
I searched the cake-decoration section of the grocery store, hoping for stars to sprinkle across the cake. Alas, none.
But I found colored sugar. Hm….
A little creative snipping of paper stencils, some sprinkling of blue and gold sugar, and then —
There. Stars.
Well, not bad for last-minute!
Now ask me how long it lasted.
You could still go and get some cake!  Carl won’t mind if you’re a day late.
UPDATE: Hey, I just found out about CarlSaganDay.org