Life by the pond
Back catsitting/housesitting/hiding out in New Hampshire again, at my friends’ lovely house by the pond.
Writing. Hurrah!
But of course, can’t discuss the content…
The drive up was killer –apparently every human being in Connecticut needed to take the Mass Pike east toward Boston. Hooray for 3-day weekends. Once I got through the ticket booth, traffic stopped immediately. There we were, all backed up, already, two feet past the ticket booths.
Except… the turnoff to go west on the Mass Pike was clear. So I went that way.
Yep. About an hour and a half out of my way, what with turning off at the next exit and beating my way cross country winding north on 32 and east on 9 and north on 190. On slow roads.
But ended up here with the ever-entertaining Ming the King, William and Kate the geese, and these guys:
I wrote out on the porch all day Saturday and inside all day Sunday (it rained). I love being outside to write…

Add one computer, and that's all I need
Although you can hear the highway perfectly clearly, it’s distant enough that it’s really just white noise, and fades into the background under constant — and I mean constant– birdsong.
Of course, it can get a little noisy when Mom or Dad comes home with the bacon:
I still couldn’t believe that I can get those pictures of the heron nest just by holding my digital camera up to the eyepiece — so I wondered: What about astronomical photos?
Alas. When viewing something that distant, the mere click of the shutter-switch made the camera wobble too much.
Still, I’m surprised I got anything at all. Can you tell which planet I caught, below, with four blurry images and smears between?
click to embiggen, click again for supersize
Unfortunately, yeah, pretty much time to pack it in now. Home tomorrow — I mean, home today, it being 2AM. Rock on dudes.