Keeping up
Given that I don’t post here on my blog in any kind of a formalized schedule, how can you make sure you never miss a post?
Because, every now and then someone out in the offline world will mention to me that… well, that they sort of check on my blog every now and again to see if I’ve posted lately. Whenever they happen to think of it… if they do happen to think of it.
To which my general reaction tends to be something along the lines of: “Dude! Why make it hard on yourself?”
It’s pretty easy to be automatically informed when there’s a new post here. Several ways to do it, in fact, some more nerdly than others.
Simplest way? Are you on Facebook? I am, and whenever I write a post here, I immediately write a post on Facebook that has a link right back here. Actually, that’s pretty much the only stuff I post on Facebook. Just a link to my latest blog post.  Look for “Rosemary Kirstein — writer.” It’s a “page”, not a personal account, so it’s open to all, and if you hit “like” or “follow,” any new entries of mine will show up on your regular Facebook feed. Then, just click the link to get here. Easy!
(I do have another account, a personal one that’s just for family and pals. I have to do that, out of courtesy to my family and pals. Otherwise, all their baby pictures, political griping, and complaints about their cousin’s alcohol intake might be promulgated out to total strangers every time I hit a “like” or “angry” button. And that would be unkind.)
Next easiest? Twitter. When I post a new blog post, I tweet a link. (And some sort of accompanying wisecrack. Because it’s Twitter. That’s what you do.) I am @rkirstein. I rarely tweet, other than the blog link — but I do retweet, so if it’s interesting to you to see what’s caught my eye, there’s that.   And by the way, if you scroll down on this very page, you can see a little widget in the second column that will show you, right here, whatever I’ve tweeted or retweeted recently.
Nerdier choice: A news aggregator. I use Feedly myself, to track the blogs that I like. You can use it online in your browser, or download an app for your phone or tablet. It’s free — and there are others that do the job just as well.Â
There are other ways, as well, including “live” bookmarks in Firefox (and similar in whatever browser you’re using), well known to the more techno-nerdy among you, I’m sure.
So, there you go.
In other news: Progress made on Book 5. Yes. I don’t want to jinx it, but I seem to have successfully excised the loads o’ crap that intrenched themselves into the previous iterations. The story is making sense.
Feeling very good about this right now.

Fresh air helps.
(PS: If you read my blog on your computer, and not a tablet or smartphone, remember to hover your mouse over any photograph; very often, there’s an extra message hidden in the “tool tips” hovertext.)