Hitting the ground running, but not in any particularly desirable direction.
Yep. Back, as I said, from the Schrodinger sessions. And now also back at the day job. With various forms of job and non-job crap hitting various fans located at especially inconvenient intervals, and requiring immediate attention or emails or unavoidable hair-tearing.
I can’t, yet, do a full write-up of the Schrodinger sessions…
So, over the next few days I’ll post some moments, including occasional pics (a few of which I already tweeted, but might be new to you).
Like this:
A lot of the photographs I took were of people pointing at things they had written on blackboards and whiteboards, and slides.  This is because they were saying fascinating things. Here Chris Monroe explains quantum teleportation.
Earlier, Mohammed Hafezi tried to convince us that regardless which side of the box you looked in, the chances of which state you’d observe were 50/50.
And Chad Orzel shared this lovely photo of the lovely building itself, from ground level looking up in the central well:
And of course, I got to have dinner with the most diverting of companions:

Why, yes, that’s Jack McDevitt and Jeff Carver. Jealous?
More later.  I need to turn in soon, so I can go do very mundane things early in the morning….
( DMV. It doesn’t get more mundane than that.)