I’ve been quiet, because I’ve been slogging away at The Next Book. And poking at a couple of other writing projects that I have in mind.
Note: amount of slog and amount of words actually produced are not proportionate to each other. Much slogging, little wordage.
But that was expected (by me, anyway), and the wordage side of the ratio is increasing. Also as expected.
Still have a week to go on my week off.
The heat is absolutely dreadful, of course, as I’m sure you’ve read in every other blog that you follow. But I’ve gone back to my favorite time to write — between 10PM and 4AM. It’s actually quite cool at the moment.
I’ve been making sure to schedule break, else my entire body seizes up. Long term, not a good thing…
On one break I wandered around the back lawn of the condo complex and spotted both Jupiter and the rising crescent moon. So lovely.
And THEN I remembered my binoculars, and went and got ’em.
You can see the moons of Jupiter quite clearly with decent binoculars, and there they were: three on one side, one on the other. It always astonishes me that we can see that so easily. (In this picture you can see them if you click on the image to magnify it a bit — not the same configuration, but a similar effect.)
Okay, enough dallying– back to work!
July 7th, 2010 at 7:41 am
Hello, Rosemary, new reader here, I only started reading _The Steersowman’s Road_ yesterday, and currently I’m on page 200 or thereabouts, but I already love it so much, I thought I’d drop a line.
Is it too premature to urge you you to finish writing the next book? 😉
Michael, your newly acquired fan
July 7th, 2010 at 4:24 pm
Michael —
Thanks for the encouragement! Page 200, you say? Aha, sign language makes its second appearance!
July 7th, 2010 at 12:19 pm
Wow–very very cool picture. Good luck with the wordage!
July 7th, 2010 at 4:26 pm
Nonesuch –
I am addicted to Astronomy Picture of the Day.
My plan with the wordage is to get up such a good head of steam that I’ll keep moving even when the DayJob starts up again next week.
Meanwhile — woo hoo, still a whole week off!
July 8th, 2010 at 10:38 pm
It is amazing, isn’t it? So close, yet so far away! Kinda like a novel in progress. We’re rooting for you! ; )