Okay, I was wrong.
I thought it was over. I was mistaken. More Overtime.
Plus: Catsitting for friends in Fairfield results in two hours commute to the DayJob. Daily. As in, every day. Two hours. In a car.
Actually, I get some of my best ideas while riding long distances in a car… so, not a complete waste. I’ve stored up some stuff to use.
And of course, the world’s cuddliest cats (Winken & Blinken) were waiting for me every evening.

Winken or possibly Blinken, your guess is as good as mine
Midway through the week, I sent the kitties’ owner this email:
Just thought I’d let you know that all is well here in kitty-land. Lots of hugs and cuddles, and your guest bed is sooo comfy!
Of course, the guys do miss you terribly. In fact, they went and got you a present!
I suggested flowers, but they had another idea….