Not absent, merely busy
I’ve been cracking down on the writing lately, which tends to put the blogging on back-burner. Just wanted you to know I hadn’t fallen off the edge of the Earth!
Random stuff you might like:
Via, I see that Jed McGowan has created a lovely wordless graphic story about Voyager I’s trip so far.
It’s available to view online, and you can check out his other works. All of them are wordless, but I find the silence in this one to be more than beautiful.
If you want an idea of what a real steerswoman’s logboook might be like, take a look at artist/writer Hannah Hinchman’s A Trail Through Leaves. There are some pages of it that are absolutely what you would find if you could peek into Rowan’s logbook.

I go back to this book over and over.
The Amazon site will let you look inside the book, and there are some very steerswomanly pages. Also, you can click under the book image for the extra 9 images, which seem to have been selected as especially visually interesting. Be sure to check out the frog page — and imagine a trawler in its place!
And in the spirit of “three things make a blog post,” there’s an especially nice appearance of the ISS on October 2nd.
In my corner of the world, it’s at 5:25 AM, exactly the right time make me more willing to drag myself out of bed to get to the endless DayJob. I need some sort of reward for that, folks. On top of the money, I mean.
Heavens Above is the place to look for ISS sightings in your own backyard.
Thanks to Heavens Above, I once was able to identify a very weird sight I saw as being an Iridium flare. Clearly visible in broad daylight.
More later…