Aug 14 2014

LonCon begins without me. Plus: I drop the price of The Outskirter’s Secret


The World Science Fiction Convention begins today!  In London!  Without me.

Instead, I’m getting daily radiation therapy.  Which is way more important, as it will, you know, possibly save my life.  So, I’m okay with that particular trade-off.

But in honor of WorldCon (or actually,  to shamelessly take advantage of WorldCon), I’ve dropped the price on The Outskirter’s Secret ebook.   Which means that both Book 1 and Book 2 are currently bargain-priced.

This, to tempt any persons at WorldCon who might hear my name, hear others speak well of my books, and then look me up on their cellphones (or mobiles, or handies, as they are called in the UK and on the continent) — and discover that The Steerswoman is a mere  1.86 GBP, and The Outskirter’s Secret just  2.44 GBP!

Low enough to take a chance on.

And once they buy those two, I figure  I’ve got ’em.  Ha, as Bel would say.

Ack! Must run off to radiation therapy now!