They’re streaming the Hugo Ceremony
So I’ll be watching! 3PM Eastern time in the US; 8PM in the UK. Go here for info on how to watch the ceremony.
Reports from the Worldcon front say that my contacts are having a great time both at the con and touring around the city.

I should not be surprised to see that this guy is at LonCon. Everybody from Welcome to Night Vale is already in the UK, because they’re touring with a live show throughout Europe this Fall!
Looking for more pics to post, if anyone sends them my way.
And a special shout-out to the Oxford/Cambridge fans! (Do people still say “shout-out”? Am I dating myself? Or just being charmingly retro?)
In other news: my clever marketing ploy seems to have worked — I got a big jump in Kindle sales — those being the sales that are easiest to track in real-time. It looks like sales in other outlets are also up, although it’s hard to tell by how much until all the reports come in.
So… it’s all so very encouraging.
My radiation therapy ends on Monday, but they tell me that my side-effects should actually get worse for a week or so, since they’re a delayed effect, and trail the treatments.  I’ll just take it as easy as need be, whilst thinking deep thoughts about Book 5, which is my main focus at the moment.   As I said to Kay in the comment stream of the last post:
I’m trying to set things up so that I can write useful stuff even after I go back to the DayJob…Â The key thing will be to sort out the structure.
Well. Back to it.
More later, as they say.

The Dog Park will not harm you.
“I’ve got the house to myself for the rest of the month, and I won’t be going back to the dreaded DayJob until September. I feel pretty good, if I don’t try to do too many physical things in a day. I’m no longer worried about my prognosis, so I don’t feel like the Grim Reaper is breathing down my neck… So it’s a good time to clear out the mental cobwebs, and go through Book 5 and see how I can sort out all the stuff I wrote in bits and pieces at odd moments, and make it make sense.”