Did I not mention?
Yes, the larger-sized edition of The Steerswoman is up and live!
It seemed to take an inordinately long time to show up, after I approved the final version. Even after they told me it was live, all I could see on Amazon.com was the older, smaller version. And then I started poking around Amazon, and discovered that the new book could only be found if you went first to the Kindle book, and from there selected “paperback.” This seemed very odd to me…
And any search on my name or “The Steerswoman” preferentially led directly to the older edition. Even though I had officially unpublished it — it was still on sale, and searches led you there instead of the new edition! I was tearing my hair out!
Then I looked closer, and saw “ONLY ONE COPY LEFT IN STOCK — PURCHASE SOON!”
Amazon had one copy of the smaller edition left, and until that one was gone, they were going to keep pushing it at you.  You would not automatically be led to the new edition until then.
Well, heck, I said.
So I bought it.
And everything fell right into line. Lovely.
And the books are all of the same size now, the better to line up on your bookshelf.

Grey bar across the title is there because that’s a proof copy. It says “Not for resale.”
And here’s another advantage to the larger format: lower production cost. Because it’s calculated by page-count, and bigger pages mean more words per page, and fewer pages.
So, that could mean a bigger royalty for me. Or…
What the heck:Â I lowered the selling price.
The smaller edition was $13.50 USD; the larger edition is $11.99. Pretty much the same royalty on my end, but a more tempting price for the purchaser. Why not?
Of course, now I have in my hands the very last copy of the smaller format.  Which I don’t actually need…
Anybody want it?

Free to a good home.
How about this? The first person who posts, in the comments of this blog, an accurate physical description of the steerswoman Keridwen — I’ll send you the last small-format copy of The Steerswoman.
And it has to be in the comment section of this blog. NOT a Facebook comment. Right here.
Of course, you probably already have a copy. At least an ebook copy. But hey, you’ve friends, right?