Hey, the latest novel by Delia Sherman (of the Fabulous Genrettes) is out!

cover by Kathleen Jennings
The Freedom Maze is a book for Young Adults, and it’s getting rave reviews all over, as well it should. I remember reading it in manuscript, through various iterations, with the writer’s group.
It is lovely and rich, and never takes the easy way out. And it deals with race — which is possibly why finding a welcoming publisher took some time.
Check out the reviews!
From Cory Doctorow at BoingBoing. (Slight spoilers for early parts of the book.)
Or you can go to Tor.com, everybody’s go-to site for what’s what in SF and Fantasy. (Also spoilers, but they warn you!)
And here’s the publisher’s own site.
If you have a young reader in your life, or like to read YA books yourself (as I sometimes do), you should pick up this book.
And actually, you can read the first chapter free on Delia’s website.
I am definitely going to buy it.
In fact, wait a sec….
Yep. Just got the Kindle version. Right there. Twenty-first century, see?
Now, you would think that I’d already know all about the book, from when Delia brought it to the Genrettes, over many sessions. But the fact is, it’s gone through some rewrites and editing post-Genrettes, and I’m yearning to know what remains of what I read before, and what has changed. Plus: it was long enough ago that even the material I saw before will feel fresh. And Delia is really such a lovely writer. Can’t wait.
(Just read the acknowledgements at the end, because I had a suspicion, and yep — I’m listed. Aw, that’s nice!)
Oh, and there’s a party.
Here’s the announcement on Facebook.
But if you don’t want to log on to Facebook to read it (for which I don’t blame you, as Facebook is a bully about such things), here’s the info:
When: Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 6:30 to 9:30.
Where: The Center for Fiction, 17 West 47th Street, New York, NY 10017
The party will have music, from both time periods of the book. And punch! And a cake-baking contest (no, you don’t have to bake, if you’re not so inclined).
(I don’t see how I could possibly manage to go, darnit. Unless Evil Dayjob were to magically let me out early. It’d take me a couple of hours to get there from here… I’ll see, I’ll try, but alas, I doubt it…)