Radio silence due to scrambling to get the rest of the paperbacks done.
Delays! Due to the fact that The Outskirter’s Secret is significantly longer than The Steerswoman. Thought I could use the same format, and just paste in the different text and cover, but nope. Had to move to a larger size.
Requiring lots of other adjustments. And errors. And fixes. And more adjustments. And now I am behind schedule, and so must scramble.
Ah, remember the good ol’ days when I was traditionally published (by Random House/Ballantine/Del Rey)? They had people to do all this!
Oh, right. The books went out of print. That’s why it’s all in my hands now.
Well, y0u know, I actually do enjoy it. I’m arty, I’m nerdy, I’m tech-savvy — this taps my other skills. And when the current story itself is being recalcitrant, at least here’s a task that succumbs to dogged determination.
But if I want them available by Christmas, I’d better get going!