Con or Bust auction: All the Steerswoman books, plus map and jewel
I finished my offering for the Con or Bust auction, and it’s up for bidding right now!
Here’s what you get:

all the books. A map. A mysterious jewel-like object
These are the trade paperbacks, published by Del Rey. The first book, The Steerswoman’s Road combines The Steerswoman and The Outskirter’s Secret in combination, so with these three books you get all four volumes of the series.
The map is Rowan’s world as of the beginning of Book 4, so it includes the Dolphin Stair from The Lost Steersman. Â The map is framed in a shadowbox, and I’ve included an example of the so-called jewel that started the whole story back in Book 1.
If you win the auction, I’ll ship these to you anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. (South of the equator, shipping costs get crazy. I’m looking at you, Australia and New Zealand. If you really want these, have me ship to a pal of yours in the Northern Hemisphere, and you and he or she can work it out from there.)
Secret fact not mentioned on Con or Bust, known only to you: the paper on which the map is printed was hand-made by me, back in my paper-making days. I think it came out pretty nice. And I’ll include a blank sheet of that same paper for your own use.
And naturally, I’ll autograph the books at your request. You can choose just the autograph and date, or I’ll personalize it (“To YourNameHere, SomeNiceComment, etc.”) Sometimes people don’t want autographs to be personalized, since it affects the book’s resale value — and these books are now out of print, and very hard to find.
So, if you want these, head over to the Con or Bust auction, and put in a bid.  Bidding ends on February 23 at 5PM Eastern Time.
And while you’re over there, browse through the other items up for auction.  There are some lovely, interesting, and exciting items and services donated by all sorts of people.  If you look at the tags list in the right-hand column on the Con or Bust page, you can browse by categories — or you can just continue to click through page after page of random cool stuff (my preferred method of exploration).
And don’t forget Delia Sherman’s auction offering: a critique of your novel, via Skype!