If you’re at Boskone this weekend, you might have noticed…
… that I’m not there.
Here’s what happened:
Last year, I had to skip Boskone (that’s convention run by the New England Science Fiction Association, if you didn’t know).  I apologized to them, and asked that I be included the following year.
Along about January, I realized I hadn’t received an invitation to this year’s Boskone!
Now, running a convention is a HUGE, all-volunteer project, and I’m sure that as much of it as possible has to be automated — such as sending out invitations. And I suspect that the writers who participate in one year are automatically asked back the following.  And I suspect that my removing myself from that category last year resulted in me being passed over this year.
So, I immediately sent an email asking if I could be included this year, if it wasn’t too late — and that I’d understand if it couldn’t be arranged.
And apparently, it could not… so I am Boskone-less this weekend.
I considered attending as a regular paying member of the audience, but a) the hotel was booked up! and b) with the Lost Weekend of Stuff that Could Not Happen Because of Apocalyptic Blizzard last weekend, I have just so much junk at home that needs to get done so that I can — hello! — have time and space left in which to write, that I figured What the Heck, stay home and do that.
And that’s what I did.
But I hope that you ARE at Boskone, and that you’re having a wonderful time. Because it’s an excellent convention.
In other news: I am definitely going to Readercon in July. This is a fact!  Our hotel room is booked, I responded YES to my invitation — I Will Be There.
And Update on other stuff: As of this writing, The Wood-Gnome Book has reached only $45 on the Con or Bust auction. Really, folks, can’t we do better?  It’s for a good cause! (Con or Bust provides funding to help science fiction fans who are people of color/non-white, who want to attend a convention but can’t afford it.  Conventions can be seriously expensive to get to and to attend, not to mention hotel rooms, etc.  So, science fiction people helping out other science fiction people — what’s not to love?)
Plus, the book comes with copy of The Steerswoman! And I’ll autograph it !  Plus, I’ll autograph the extra sheet with the little story about the wood-gnome book.  And I’ll mail it anywhere in the world!