May 22 2015

Alas, I cannot be at Wiscon…


Gosh, all the cool kids are going…

There’s Ellen Kushner, and Delia Sherman.

Charlie Jane Anders, whose posts I enjoy over at io9.  Suzy McKee Charnas.

 Karen Joy Fowler.  Gavin Grant of Small Beer Press (who publish Laurie J. Marks and Delia, among others).

Oh, lots of writers, and editors, and publishers, and related personages.   If you’re not already there –  well, there’s still time to get there.   It’s in Madison, Wisconsin; maybe that’s a day-trip for you.

I’ve been to Wiscon  a couple of times, and had thoroughly enjoyed myself there — but not this year.  My travel budget’s kind of used up with Readercon (July 9-12) in Burlington MA, the Schrodinger Sessions (July 30-August 1) in Maryland, and the big one: Worldcon, the World Science Fiction Convention (August 19-23 ), all the way on the other side of the North American continent in Spokane, WA.

Also, I seem to have acquired tickets to three events in the World Science Festival on May 30th and 31st, which, while merely a train ride away in New York City, cost some bucks, to be sure.

Add in some non-SF related travel and hotel in December, and that’s basically it for expensive places to go this year.

Actually, looking at that list, it seems rather daunting…

I’m still working on getting my strength up to full power, so it’s good I have some time to work up to the bigger trips.

Speaking of which, I must get home and get a good night’s sleep, as I’m hopping the train for a day-trip to the big city tomorrow.

Meanwhile, just because it’s cool,  here’s a link to the Dawn spacecraft’s animated views of those mysterious bright spots on the surface of Ceres….

Click ‘n’ go.