What’s up. Plus: Score!
What’s up: Day Job. Same old. Going to increase the hours in the weeks to come. I’m planning to keep it to three days a week through November, and then hit 32 in December.
Trying VERY HARD to keep writing despite the return to the Day Job, which has always been a difficult combination. Â Day Job plus Writing equals Day Job Not Writing. Â Fighting the math. Â Trying Very Hard.
And I’ll be doing NaNoWriMo, as mentioned before. If I can get the day before Thanksgiving off from the Day Job, I can do my tradtional escape-to-undisclosed-location and have a good block of time in which to write — as well as the typical NaNoWriMo deal of dropping everything else in one’s life that one possibly can, for the space of one month, and cranking out a novel-length work, start to finish.  The rules call for starting something new, not continuing a work you’ve already been doing.  So, yes, I will step away from Book 5 for one month, but fear not!  Because it will still be a Steerswoman book:  A parallel YA novel dealing with the Steerswomen’s Academy, taking place during the same time as Book 5.
I’m hoping that the drop-everything-else approach will clear my head, revitalize my subconscious, and help me keep  on track when I return to Book 5.   I have good reason to think it will.
Plus, of interest only to fans of Welcome to Night Vale: Â Ha! Â I managed to score tickets to their next live show in New York in January. Â This was not easy.
The tickets went on sale noon Friday. Â Thirty seconds after noon, the website was completely swamped, and it rolled over, put its paws in the air, and only displayed messages amounting to: Â GO AWAY I DED NOW K THX BAI.
Sabine was at home that day, on the internet trying to get through, and declared that she’d keep it up for a half hour, and then stop because she had Things to Do! Â And Why Weren’t They Prepared for This? Â And They Should Know By Now!
I was at the Day Job, but slyly put up a browser window in the background and poked away at it when I could, Â Eventually I realized that everyone in the universe was using the exact same link to get to the box office (provided by Night Vale,) — but the venue had its own separate previous existence, so there must be other ways to get to its box office…
And she scores!
The show they’ll do in January is the one called “The Librarian,” versions of which they’ve performed before in the States, and some version of which they are now playing in their first-ever European tour. Â And I just now heard that Dublin, their first stop, gave them a standing ovation.
So, happy about that.
Also: currently visiting pals in New Hampshire. Â So, must stop doing this at some point, in order to be social. Â And possibly go kayaking.
Also also: still walking every day….

Wha –? There it is again! Another sighting of that mysterious creature…