Official steerswomen’s ring

this is it.

this is it.

Well, actually, any ring shaped like a mobius band will do.  And there are plenty of them around.

But a few years back, when the ring I was wearing got to be too tight too often (combination of age and intermittent general hand-swelling from much usage), I searched high and low and near and far, scouring the web for the perfect replacement.   I wanted something sturdy enough to wear every day, that really featured the half-twist, and was not out of my price range.  I knew I’d have to pay more than just a few bucks, if I wanted quality, but there was a limit to how high I could go.

And this is what I finally came up with.  It’s by Christina Kober Designs, and it’s available on Etsy.

the band is slightly matte, the edges shiny.

The band is slightly matte, the edges shiny.


The price is $96, which is more than I’d ever normally pay for a ring.  I’m just not a self-decoration person; never have been. But there are a few things that I love, and want to wear all the time. And considering that I would wear this ring every single day, it was a reasonable investment.

I love it.  In fact, when this year my ring size went up yet another half-size (because: life), I did not hesitate.  Plunked down another $96.

I gave the old one to Sabine — and actually, that one is the very ring that appears on the cover of the ebook of The Steerswoman.



This was worth doing…

But as I say, any mobius-band ring will do, if you want to get that Steerswomanly feeling. The very first one I had cost maybe twenty bucks. It broke, eventually, however.

So: unsolicited, unpaid testimonial. If there can be such a thing as an official steerswoman’s ring, this would be it.

In other news: I’m back from my retreat-while-staying-in-place.

Other other news:  I need to do it again this weekend.  It’s exactly what I need to do.  Think I’ll do it every weekend this month.

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