There’s some great stuff out there, folks. Remember, this is an auction by SF and Fantasy pros and fans, to raise money to help my friend Deb Mensinger, wife of fantasy author Laurie J Marks. Deb needs a liver transplant, and there are extra expenses not paid by insurance.
SO I put another item up: a copy of the Brit edition of The Steerswoman PLUS an actual example of the jewel (so-called, heh) from the book. The photo here is not so hot, I have no actual digital camera, just a webcam… But trust me, this looks cool.

The “jewel” is in a black frame, against a miniature of the map from the book.
No, you can’t buy it here! Go to the auction! There’s only a week left!
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Deb Mensinger, the wife of fantasy author Laurie J Marks needs a new liver, and it looks like the whole fan-and-pro community is jumping in to her out.
You can help, too! There’s an online auction to raise money for the incidental expenses involved. Go, there, buy some cool stuff — there are cookies made by a lawyer, voice lessions from a professional singer, a personal monthly letter from your very own Finnish correspondent! Plus any number of rare and autographed items. Jewelery, books — even someone offering to write a blog post for you!
Am I contributing items? You bet. I’ll be offering two things:
Item Number 1. an autographed copy of the British edition of The Steerswoman,. Ever since Del Rey combined The Steerswoman with The Outskirter’s Secret into one volume (The Steerswoman’s Road) it’s been hard to find a stand-alone copy of just one or the other. But I have some copies of the British edition of the first book. This is good for introducing friends to the series, when they might balk at investing the time to read a double-sized trade paperback. Plus: different cover art, and all exclamation points removed from the back-cover blurb (hey, they’re Brits).

Item Number 2. Ha! I’m not telling. Yet. You’ll have to go to the auction site to find out! (In a day or so… it’s not up there yet, but go ahead and look at the other things offered.)
It’s all for a good cause. These are two people who are very dear to me.

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