Three days off!
How lovely to be in the middle of Sunday and realize that Monday will be free, free!
Spending the entire weekend writing!
Well, plus some laundry.
And cooking a few meals here and there.
Also: Hey, Laurie J. Marks is visiting for the whole weekend! Also writing.
It has not rained yet, although it keeps threatening to do so.
So mostly, I’m tucking myself into my little woody nook and pretending I’m deep in the wilderness (despite Lawnmower Man’s inescapable industriousness), and being All Creative and Stuff.

It's a flower. But it's green. It's a green flower.
These little things are all over the place. Can’t quite figure where they’re coming from….

they're everywhere
Okay, back to work.
I mean, back to fun.
I mean, back to work…
Oh, that’s right: Writing is work that is actually fun.
Back to it.