So exhausted I can barely think straight.
Back from Worldcon, having arrived home at an ungodly hour on Monday night while needing to get up mere hours later for the Day Job, at which I had a full week of work already waiting for me, while the current week’s work did not pause in rolling in. I have not been able to catch up at all, in tasks or in sleep.
Well: hooray weekend.  (I intended to put an exclamation point at the end of that, but I’m too tired to back-arrow and fix it.) I plan to sleep lots, enabling me to be up at the peculiar hours of the night that coincide with my best writing time.
I’ll say more tomorrow…
Hugos: very interesting indeed, and well worth being there.
Readings attended: Jo Walton, Ada Palmer, Pat Cadigan, & more.
Panels: glad I went.
Music at Jo Walton’s party: So much fun, with Ada Palmer and Lauren Schiller of Sassafrass there, plus Patrick Neilsen Hayden, with surprise performance by me.
Music not at Jo Walton’s party: Astonishing stuff onstage from Ada and Lauren and Patrick.
Spokane: lots of smoke. Lovely town, not usually this smoky (all those wildfires you hear about on TV? Yeah. There were very nearby).
Loved the park.

Statue in the park by the river, right outside the doors of the convention center, where we passed it every day.