More news about other people, one of whom could be YOU.
Remember the Schrodinger Sessions? I talked about them last year. They were a workshop on quantum physics, specifically created for science fiction writers. I was thrilled last year when my application was accepted, and even more thrilled during the three days of the workshop. It was fascinating, elucidating, mind-blowing and emotionally uplifting.
Well, word has come down the pipeline that they’re going to be doing it again this year.  So…
Are you a writer? Specifically, a writer of science fiction? Do you need a better grip on this subject?  This is your chance. You might end up spending three days eyeballs-deep in real, non-hand-waving scientific theory, led by real working scientists.

Cooling with lasers.
Applications aren’t open yet, but soon — so keep your eye open. I’ll put up a note here when I hear further news. Meanwhile here’s the website for last year’s event, so you can read more about it.
A similar thing exists for Astronomy, called Launch Pad, and it’s been going on for several years now.  The deadline for applications for that is — oops! March 1. Well, if you move fast you can still apply. I never have, for different reasons each year. This year’s reason: I can’t take the time out of my writing schedule. But YOU could try for it!
My only regret about the Schrodinger sessions is that I haven’t been able to use what I learned yet – because I’ve been deep in a long-term project that does not involve quantum physics (AKA the rest of the Steerswoman books). I couldn’t step away long enough to turn to a different project last year, nor this year, probably.   But the whole experience has gone into the hopper. We’ll see what comes out soon enough.
Other things YOU could be doing:
Do you like poetry? You remember that Mary Alexandra Agner has a Patreon whereby you can support her science-inspired poetry, and get poems sent to you monthly, right?  I’m pleased to be one of her patrons…
Well, Jo Walton also writes poetry, with a wider range of inspirational sources — and Jo Walton now has her own Patreon account to support that effort. I really enjoy Jo’s poems, which I read on her blog regularly. So I signed up to demonstrate my support with actual cash money.  You could do that, too!
(Okay. Back to the unweaving of my currently-wrongly-woven tale, so that I can reweave it into what I should have been weaving in the first place. I blame the day job. Which is gone now. So, you know: time to get it right.)