The WordPress blog style that I use (“Elegant Grunge”) is designed indicate the absence of comments by saying “no comments” — that is, there are no comments yet.
It became clear to me that some people interpreted “no comments” as meaning “No comments are allowed” — which is absolutely NOT the case!  I love comments, and crave and cherish them!  ‘
Obviously, the correct thing to do is get rid of that “no comments!”
Easier said than done.  It’s designed to say that.   It’s not a menu selection, it’s not an option.  It’s in the code.
Ah, but I am an old programmer, correct? Yes, but I haven’t done it in a dog’s age, and everything has changed while I was gone, and this is why I do clerical work as a day-job instead of, oh, creating computer animation for Pixar.
But a programmer’s brain is a programmer’s brain.  I applied the brain…
After many sad attempts to figure out where in the heck within the many files that make up Elegant Grunge this particular label was set, I finally located it in the Main Index Template, in amongst other examples of class= metadata.   Who knew? (Apparently: web designers.)  I tweaked it with the editor, and — Voila!
You may now gaze in awe at the label below, inviting you to “leave a comment.”
Unless someone has left a comment.  But scroll down to other uncommented posts, and note the change!
This pleases me out of all reasonable proportion.  Which only serves to prove the genuineness of my Geekhood.
And damn proud of it!
NOTE ADDED LATER: But wait! If you came here from Facebook or from an RSS feed, you won’t see the new notation at all! Because you came directly to this specific post, which has a “leave a reply” form at the bottom already. That ‘no comments” problem only happens on the main page of the website, at the end of each post. Click on “HOME”, above, and you’ll see what I mean.
October 21st, 2012 at 8:54 pm
The temptation was too great!
But go, you! I knew you’d find the right file.
October 21st, 2012 at 8:57 pm
Kudos to your geekiness. I’ve always come direct so I never saw that “no comments” thingy.
Now, of course, if you were working for Pixar, you’d be so in demand you wouldn’t have time for writing and we who are waiting for your next offer of fabulousity would be left twisting in the wind.
OTOH you’d be toting huge buckets of moolah home, which would be good for your general life.
OTOOH we’re waiting and you wouldn’t want to disappoint us, now would you.
October 21st, 2012 at 8:58 pm
Foo. There’s supposed to be a “you” before “wouldn’t” in the last sentence.
October 21st, 2012 at 9:06 pm
Lindig —
Aha, but I fixed that, too! Because I could.
October 21st, 2012 at 9:33 pm
I am an old programmer
I did not know that.
October 21st, 2012 at 10:18 pm
Sean —
Yep. True fact.
October 22nd, 2012 at 9:12 am
Law. I swoon. [heh]
October 22nd, 2012 at 9:11 pm
That really explains so much, I think, of why I like the books.
Charlie Stross, Rick Cook, and Steven Brust — you get to fill the same cache line with them now!